Maneser Goodbody

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Maneser Goodbody
Image of Maneser Goodbody
Title The Mathom Society
Gender Male
Race Hobbit
Region The Shire
Area The Delving Fields
Settlement Michel Delving
Interior The Mathom House
Map Ref [33.4S, 75.6W]


Maneser Goodbody is found inside the Mathom House at Michel Delving.

As a member of the Mathom Society he sells a variety of special items and recipes to visitors who are in good standing with the society.


Item Standing Level Cost
 Prized Mailbag Acquaintance Silver20 Copper
 Award of Hobbit Virtue Friend 35 60 Silver
 Butter Knife Friend Silver68 Copper
 Hobbit Keg Decoration Recipe Friend 16 Silver52 Copper
 Large Feasting Table Decoration Recipe Friend 16 Silver52 Copper
 Hay-fork Friend Silver68 Copper
 Shovel Friend Silver68 Copper
 Small Feasting Table Decoration Recipe Friend 11 Silver
 Specimen Jar: Fireflies Friend Silver20 Copper
 Heavy Cast Iron Frying Pan Ally Silver68 Copper
 Mathom Long-sleeved Dress Ally Silver12 Copper
 Tome of the Turtle Ally 112 Silver
 Mathom Long-sleeved Tunic and Trousers Kindred Silver12 Copper
 Prized Mathom Society Steed Kindred Gold823 Silver60 Copper